Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Getting Back in the Saddle...

Let me explain what's been going on since we returned from Kenya.  No, there is too much. Let me sum up. (Yes!  A quote from one of my favorite and most quotable movies: "The Princess Bride"!!)

We made it back from Kenya, and had a marvelous time.  If I can figure out how to link you to my photo album, I'll post the link here.  Until then, you'll have to imagine it!

But, Dawn and I have spoken about it at church, and here is the recorded sermon.  It's well worth listening to, especially for Dawn's part.  She knocked it out of the park! http://www.holycrosspodcasts.org/C1-media;show,124

I also was asked to make a short video about the trip for SOMA USA, who was the International Missions Organization we went with.  You can see the video here: http://somausa.org/pages/page.asp?page_id=137918

As I have been asked to keep my blog updated, expect more activity on here.  I'm sure it will be good for me! :)


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